
Showing posts from 2008

Jasper and the Unbaked Thanksgiving Yeast Rolls

This is the tale of Jasper and the Unbaked Yeast Rolls: (author unknown) We have a fox terrier by the name of Jasper. He came to us in the summer of 2001 from the fox terrier rescue program. For those of you, who are unfamiliar with this type of adoption, imagine taking in a 10 year old child about whom you know nothing and committing to doing your best to be a good parent. Like a child, the dog came with his own idiosyncrasies. He will only sleep on the bed, on top of the covers, nuzzled as close to my face as he can get without actually performing a French kiss on me. Lest you think this is a bad case of 'no discipline,' I should tell you that Perry and I tried every means to break him of this habit including locking him in a separate bedroom for several nights. The new door cost over $200. But I digress. Five weeks ago we began remodeling our house. Although the cost of the project is downright obnoxious, it was 20 years overdue AND it got me out of cooking Thanksgiving for ...

White Guilt is Dead

WOW - This guy says it all. Read on: WHITE GUILT IS DEAD Friday, November 7th, 2008 By Tom Adkins Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America 's flirtation with neo socialism. But there's a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barak Obama to the Presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America : The Era of White Guilt is over. This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively worked with America-hatingdomestic terrorists. Wow! Some resume! Yet th...

For Our Veterans of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War

The elderly parking lot attendant wasn't in a good mood. And neither was Sam Bierstock. It was around 1 a.m., and Bierstock, a Florida eye doctor, business consultant, corporate speaker and musician, was bone tired after appearing at an event. He pulled up in his car, and the parking attendant began to speak. "I took two bullets for this country and look what I'm doing," he said bitterly. At first, Bierstock didn't know what to say to the World War II veteran. But he rolled down his window and told the man, "Really, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you." Then the old soldier began to cry. "That really got to me," Bierstock says. Cut to today. Bierstock, now 59, and John Melnick, 55, of Pompano Beach - a member of Bierstock's band, Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Band - have written a song inspired by that old soldier in the airport parking lot. "Before You Go" does more than salute those who fought in WWII. It encourages ...

Life Goes On... I Think

The election is well over now, and I am among those licking my wounds. Majority Rules, and apparently I wasn't in the majority, or at least not in the voting majority. I will certainly be praying for our new President-Elect, not because I think he's some Great Hope, but because he is so completely unprepared and inexperienced for this job that I am afraid he will bollux our poor country. My only consolation is that our country survived the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton... maybe we can survive Obama too. My greatest fear is for our allies, Israel especially. They are our only real ally in the middle east, and now they can kiss goodbye any assistance from Mr. Obama; Hamas poured so much money and support into Obama's campaign you'd think he was running for the leadership of the P.L.O. and they were sponsoring him. But I digress. We lost. I concede.

Fall in Flagstaff and family gossip

Jimmy and I are in Flagstaff AZ and it is cool, colorful, and completely delightful. Drove up last Saturday and will stay till the end of this week at Dad and Mom's timeshare. The trees are changing their wardrobe and it is beautiful. At the beginning of the week we were visited by Randy and Nakaia for a couple of days, and then later Ernie and Sally came up and spent the night in the adjoining apartment. The weather has ranged from the 50s to the 70s, and it is such a wonderful change from the near-constant 100+ degree weather we were used to in the Valley. (Of course, my neighbor reports that it has cooled down since we left!) Today we drove to the SnowBowl to see the beautiful aspen in their golden splendor, and then went to Sunset Crater for a hike around the Bonita Lava Flow and realize once again how insignificant we are in the face of Mom Nature. Speaking of moms, Emily went to Denver to visit Tom and Jan last week, and totally enjoyed herself. Tom was awesome, even flyin...

Almost Home

Ariel and Efrat report they are in New York and still having a great time. After driving up the coast of California, they had a wonderful visit with the Whetstones in Washington, then flew to New York where they sub-let an apartment near the U.N. for a few days. They fly home tomorrow, but what great memories they will take with them. Ariel, we are all awaiting the upload of your latest photos of the trip! Safe flying, and hopefully next time WE can head EAST to your part of the world!

Word from the Road

The latest word from Ariel: We just pulled in to a campground in Maupin Oregon (wherever the hell that is..) - and got the last spot in the only [RV] park within fifty miles!!! We've been so lucky so far and always have a spot in any campground we pull into...we even spent the night in the Sequoia National Park! Can you believe finding a place THERE with no reservation?! Spent this morning at Crater Lake - and since then have been hauling ass as fast as possible up thru Oregon - to start touring the Dalles in the morning (along the Columbia Gorge ). We are having a great time... Love and thanks again. Ariel, Efrat, Eran, and Adi

Update from the Road... in California

Another note from Ariel: Hi! Just taking time to drop you a note while in McDonalds in Fort Brag... Most of the campgrounds boast WiFi - but most don't work.. so we have been out of touch for several days... anyway we are having a great time - enjoying the beutiful views along Highway #1! Love to all.. Ariel

The Continuing Adventures of the Whetstones

The following is just in from Ariel... [After a hectic but fabulous couple of days at Sea World, the family is setting out on an RV trip up the coast of California, headed for Washington State.] Finally.....we made it to a campground - for our first night in the RV! we're just getting organized to go to bed.. Goodnight all. zzzzzzzzzzzzz........ Ariel

The Continuing Adventures Of Ariel, Efrat, Eran and Adi

Here are a few of the newly-uploaded pics from Ariel... They are (obviously) in California now. Visited Sea World and then OF COURSE Disneyland. Also had a nice visit with Larry, and they were able to give him some things from Beverly's estate, at Sherry's request. Click on any pic to see it larger. Or, better yet, click on the link below to see the full slideshow. If you've already seen the previously posted photos and want only to see the NEW ones, go "Back to the Full Album" and then choose page #10 -- next click on a pic to highlight it, and last, click on the word "slideshow" in the right-hand column. THANK YOU ARIEL for keeping us all posted, and for letting us share the vacation with you vicariously!! P.S. The hat Eran is wearing is one Safta Emily gave him... it belonged to Saba Tom, and has a solar panel that operates a fan in the bill. Eran has hardly taken it off his head since Grandma gave it to him! Here is the link for more photos, be sure ...

Empty Nest Syndrome

Aaack, I've got Empty Nest Syndrome! Ariel, Efrat, Eran, and Adi left Arizona this morning and flew to California to continue their Adventure in America. The house is too quiet. I miss Adi's lovely lilting songs that she made up each day, and Eran's soft-spoken but extremely intelligent comments about Life. I love the way he tries to help his younger sister learn English by making up games -- looking for English words on signs as we drive around town, first one with an A, then a B, then C, and so forth -- and the way she gets so excited when she finds the appropriate letter on a store or street sign. Eran is keeping a record of everything they are doing on this vacation, to give a report to his school teacher when he gets back home to Israel. Mommy Efrat is helping him by keeping an outline (according to his dictation) of events. It's remarkable to listen to him dictate the extent of detail for each day! Spending time with Ariel and Efrat has been a treat I have en...

Ariel and Efrats Visit in the U.S.

Hi All, Just wanted to say thank you to everyone we have seen and stayed with... we are having a great time here - and are really enjoying ourselves. We are taking a lot of pictures - and are posting them - as we go - on So here is the link - check in now and then - as we post new pic's : love you all! Bye for now.. Ariel, Efrat, Eran, and Adi P.S. Click on the 'slideshow' button on the right hand side of the page to see the album in slideshow form...

Ariel, Efrat coming to visit!!

Talk about excited. I'm as happy as a little kid getting ready to raid a candy store. Nephew Ariel [Sherry's eldest child], his wife Efrat, son Eran, and daughter Adi are coming to Arizona to visit next Saturday. It will be the first time the children have been to the U.S. They will be staying in Arizona for 10 days, then will go to Disneyland (where else?!) for the kids to meet Mickey Mouse, and then they'll drive up the coast to Washington State. After a few days visit with the Whetstones there, they will fly back to New York and on to Tel Aviv again. Mom [Emily] is even more excited than me I think, this will be the first time she will get to see her great-grandchildren. I understand Eran has been practicing English, and Sherry tells me that Adi has mastered the phrase, "Gramma, this tastes delicious!" Anyone wanting to visit with them while they are in AZ are most welcome - please call or email either Ariel or me (or leave a comment to this post) and we'll...

Hurricane Ike

David survived Ike. It was degraded to "just" a tropical storm by the time it went over Marshall, Texas, where he is staying... He has no electricity in the hotel where he is living, and after the storm passed he drove around town but didn't see any physical damage. He said there was a lot of rain and a lot of wind, but other than the services outage, things seem to be okay. Of course, now he has to spend the night with no air conditioning and it is muggier than heck, but while uncomfortable it is liveable. Thank God for small favors.

Robin and Jerry in Arizona

Robin and Jerry Dion are in Arizona on an all-too-infrequent vacation! Visiting with Mom Tate (Emily) and also with son Gary and his wife Jessica. Also helping Gary and Jessica to move from their Grandma Tate's house to an apartment they just rented - Congrats Gary and Jess! Robin and Jerry took Emily up to Sedona for an overnight at the L'Auberge Resort, they should be back sometime this afternoon. Poor things, they had to spend two days up in the cool pines with the clear running river, instead of being down here with us in the Valley of the Dust. I mean the Valley of the Sun. They totally missed the dust storm we had last night, what a pity. I'm purposefully NOT dusting my furniture again till they visit, so they can appreciate what they missed. *hee hee* ~~~ Emily was so excited, waiting for them to arrive, she was like a 5 year old. It's wonderful that they were able to take this vacation to see her. We all have appreciated seeing them and catching up, wouldn...

Sarah Palin

Okay, yes, I am up on my political soapbox. Don't climb up here often, but the remarks about Sarah Palin "not being experienced enough to be a V.P. and thereby trusted with national secrets" prompted me to make the hike up to this dizzying peak. This does not by any means encompass ALL of her experience, but just cogitate on the few points garnered below: Don't dismiss the fact that Sarah Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard-- consider this. Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It is on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units. As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's. She's also the comma...

Fly Your Flag on September 11

On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, we remember. An American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this seventh anniversary of one of our country's worst tragedies. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms. In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds. Join with other patriots. Fl...

Sam The Cooking Guy

Gonna go see a live demonstration by Sam The Cooking Guy today. It will be at the Harrah's AkChin Casino, so who knows, maybe I will drop a quarter in a slot machine while we're there?? Probably not, but you never know! I first saw Sam (last name Zein) on a local television show. He has a cooking show, with quick and easy recipes, kindof like a male Rachel Ray. Except he is waay funnier. He speaks in Real People terms instead of Master Chef Gobbledegook Language. He's known for making cooking UNscary for bachelors and the like, giving hints that other cooks don't and making the comment funny at the same time... for instance, "When you're scrambling eggs, the fork has to clink on the bottom of the bowl, otherwise you won't get the eggs properly scrambled!" When I saw Sam make his 5 minute Omelet with goat cheese and spinach (on TV), I started watching him for hints to give my son - who has turned out to be a pretty darn good cook himself! Sam's TV s...

My Answer to the Anti-Military Protesters in Denver

I heard on the news that today, an alliance of radical idiots has converged upon Denver to stage anti-war, anti-military, and anti-American demonstrations. Starring lunatics like Cindy Sheehan and a recording from Black Panther terrorist Wesley Cook (currently on death row), they are hoping to violently "recreate 1968." They've chosen the DNC as their venue because of their far left wing Democratic Party leanings, and they are hoping for riots or the like to receive national media coverage. My answer to these people with marbles for brains is to invite them to leave our great nation, since they so obviously hate us and wish nothing more than to destroy the virtues and values upon which America was built. So instead of focusing on lunatics, I would like to give THANKS to the men and women who have worked, fought, been wounded, and died to preserve the freedom in which we live. Following are the words to a song written by Dr. Sam Bierstock which states most eloquently how I...

Rick Tate moved to Virginia

Today is Rick's birthday, and he celebrated by unpacking more boxes from their recent move from Kansas to Virginia. There are easier ways to celebrate, Cuz !! It was a bittersweet move, leaving Kansas so soon after his mom was buried, but both Rick and Anthoney received great job offers, and as Rick put it, "Mom just looked down at us from Heaven and paved the way to make everything dovetail so smoothly." Rick and Anthoney have a beautiful condo in Alexandria, in a pet-friendly environment complete with walking trails for their two dogs. I've been invited to visit next week, but it is dependent upon finding a decent air fare in time. Priceline, here I come!!

Catching up on several subjects

I have been remiss. It's been months since I made a posting here, and some have lovingly called it to my attention. So here are a few pertinent updates - holler if you want more info on any of them, *grin* !! Mary Wroten is home, and is steadily improving. She is still on oxygen 24/7, but at least she is moving around on her own now, no longer requiring a walker. In fact, just last week Cheryl brought her over to our house for lunch and a lovely visit! Cheryl is the consummate daughter, still devoting her time to her mom, just going to her own home to care for her animals and plants. They are both awesome ladies and I admire them both. June Tate-Gans and Rickey Lynn Gans went to Japan and thoroughly fell in love with the country. June went for work, and Rickey tagged along for a week or so of sightseeing. They stayed in a condo in Tokyo and I think the part that intrigued Rickey the most was the wash-and-blow-dry toilets! Those people are CLEAN. David Whetstone is out of the Air ...

Discharge Date in Sight

The Powers That Be at the Hearthstone nursing facility have rumored that Mary just MIGHT be discharged tomorrow... so everybody keep your fingers crossed! Mary wants to try living at her own home, so Cheryl will be moving in with her on a temporary basis to see how she does. Mary will still require oxygen, a walker, etc. but I have never seen anyone with such a fantastic iron will as this woman. Go, Mary, Go!!

Going Home Soon

Mary Wroten was transferred on May 10th from the hospital to a rehab facility (Hearthstone) and her progress has been nothing short of phenomenal. The woman is incredible. We are hopeful that she will be discharged to go home this weekend, so everybody keep your fingers crossed and keep those prayers going! She will still need oxygen and some home health care visits and meds of course, and will need to use a walker for a while yet to get around, but still, to have improved this much so quickly is amazing. She is going to try to eat 'real' food this evening (to be sure she can swallow properly rather than the food going into her lungs), and then they will do an x-ray to confirm that her lungs are okay enough that they can discharge her. You go, Mary!!

Mary Wroten - A Woman of Strength!

Most of the readers of this blog already know that Mary (Sanphillip) Wroten was admitted to JC Lincoln Hospital ICU on Wednesday, April 30th. What they thought was a cold and an asthma attack turned out to be emphysema and pneumonia, among other things. She has been on a ventilator (breathing machine) for the past four days. She's also been receiving four different kinds of antibiotics, rehydration (she was very dehydrated), lots of sedation, etc. etc. Cheryl, Toni, and I have been standing watch in the ICU room and the care Mary has been receiving can be referred to as nothing short of excellent. Long story short... today the ventilator was successfully removed and that is a MAJOR step toward recovery. We are all shouting Hallelujah and doing the Happy Dance. Of course, she still has a long way to go, but getting the breathing tube removed from her throat is a huge relief... and now she will be able to talk, as soon as her throat heals a bit. She is receiving nutrition via a nasal...

Thought for the Day

No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE. No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by CHOICE.

In Memory of Daddy

Today is April 22, 2008... two years from the day Thomas Marion Tate departed this earth. He was our beloved father, our mom's devoted husband, he was uncle, brother, friend... he was loved and admired by many, and missed by all. Mom, Gary (my nephew), and I went to the cemetery today. I think we were all feeling trepidatious, mom most of all. But it turned out to be a beautiful experience. We sang some songs, Mom recited The Lord's Prayer, I read a few passages out of one of Daddy's favorite books (Archy and Mehitabel). We sat and talked with each other and to Daddy. It was a beautiful day with a warm sun and a light breeze, and the Arizona sky was brilliant. And we felt like Daddy was right there with us, like we could just reach out and touch him. We knew he could hear us and we knew he would not want us to continue in sadness, but to go on with Life and to carry him in our hearts as we do so. Just as we were leaving, Sherry called from Israel and got to talk with each o...

Anit-war Wounds

I read this today and must share it. (The emphasis on certain paragraphs is mine.) She obviously loves her soldier even if she disagrees with the politics of everything. I loved her point that if EVERYONE in America were required to serve their country for a couple of years of their lives, the anti-war protestors would be supporters.. they would be part of "we." Anti-war wounds By Katie Dyer For The Register-Guard Published: April 20, 2008 We’ve marked the end of the fifth year of war in Iraq, and the 4,000th soldier killed there. They hold a peace rally downtown. There are dozens of people there. I’m sure many of them are the same people I see on the street corners — their signs say “Support the troops, not the war.” I watch them with tears in my eyes. I believe in my heart that the demonstrators are good people. They want what I want: for the war to be over, and for all the soldiers fighting it to come home. They are hopeful, passionate, and they have no idea how much it hu...

Battle Hymn of the Republic

The following video is of the United States Army Glee Club singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic on the White House lawn April 16, 2008 during the welcoming ceremonies for Pope Benedict XVI. This is one of the most moving renditions I have ever heard. I get goosebumps every time I hear it, thinking of all the men who have "died to make men free." During this War Against Terrorism, the thousands of men (and women) who have sacrificed life and the tens of thousands who have lost limbs should be remembered every day by all of us with the privilege of living in Freedom. This is one citizen who is humbly grateful for their sacrifice. And following is another version, but with footage from WWII. Awesome footage; combined with this song it brings a lump to the throat of any American. May we always remember the sacrifices of these men and women.

Edith Marie Hern, aka One Classy Lady


Ode to Auntie Edith

Mom (Emily) and I returned to Arizona yesterday from a week in Kansas City with Rick and Anthoney. We cried together, hugged and reminisced together. On Thursday Tom and Robin and Jerry joined us, and on Friday the funeral was held and we all said our final farewells to Auntie. It was a heartbreaking week but I am so glad we were all there for Rick. In my last post I said I would post what I said at Auntie's funeral service. Here it is. --------------------- For those of you who don't know me, my name is Susan Walker, and I am one of Edith's nieces. Edith Marie Hern was known to many people by many different names. To some, she was Friend. To others, Confidant. To one - my cousin Rick - she was Mom. To Anthony she became mother as well, and she loved him as much as her natural born son. When she married Harry Hern she became step mom to a wonderful family who welcomed her into their arms and hearts, every one of whom she loved dearly. To others she was "Sister Edith,...

Funeral Service for Edith Hern

Well, yesterday was the funeral, and what a day. I am soooo glad that Rick had so much family support, it was so needed. He had been terrified of sitting in the front pew all by himself, feeling more alone than ever in his life. In the end the family section was full up. There was Rick, Anthoney, me, Emily, Robin, Jerry, Tom, Cheryl (Hern), Iris (Hern), Florence (Auntie's cousin on the Casteel side), and Florence's niece. There was a big turnout, maybe 150 people or more, and tons of flowers. There were people from her church, a wealth of Edith's friends, Rick and Anthoney's friends, and even some of Rick's clients who have become close friends with Edith over the years. Before she died, Auntie had agreed to a SHORT service (versus just a graveside prayer which is what she originally wanted) because the weather has been very inclement, and it was to be performed by her pastor, Brad Ratliff. She had made him promise he would 'keep it short' and then she wrot...

Auntie Edith - the last farewell

It is with tears and a heavy heart that I pass along to you the news that Edith Hern passed away this morning, at Rick's house where she has been living the past couple of months since being discharged from the hospital. She had congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes and more, but was fighting valiantly until she contracted pneumonia last week. My mother (Emily) and I will be flying to Kansas City early Monday morning to join Rick as he grieves for his mom. We do not yet know when the funeral service will be (a meeting with the funeral home is scheduled for tomorrow), but we hope it will be by Wednesday. For any who are interested, here is the funeral home information: Maple Hill Funeral Home 3300 Shawnee Drive Kansas City, Kansas 66106 (913)831-3345 email: website: Please pass along this information to anyone you know who cared for Auntie Edith. To send a card to Rick or to contact him, here is his i...

Article by Monte Tucker

I thought some of you might enjoy this. A "good ol farm boy from western Oklahoma" writes a column like this each week. "What's Under My Hat" by Monte Tucker January 28, 2008 ---------- Howdy friends and neighbors. Come on first Tuesday in November! I have already had about all of the Presidential election I can stand. Surely, somewhere out there in this great nation is a "good ol' boy or gal," that is worth voting for. You know, someone that has actually done something, not ju st talked about what they think they have done. It's only the first quarter in the game between the R's and the D's. Both sides keep talking about time for change. Just what are they going to change? They obviously haven't changed the game of politics. Billary and Bama Lama Ding Dong boast the word "change" every time I see the media put their face on my boob tube. The first place they could start changing things would be on the Senate floor that t...

Remembering the Marines of Iwo Jima

Bruce sent this piece to me, and it is so important I would like to share it with all. Thank you, Bruce! Remembering the Marines of Iwo Jima Between February 19 and March 16, 1945, a battle raged on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima which claimed the lives of nearly 7,000 American Marines and left yet another 19,000 wounded. The anniversary this year is again in danger of passing largely unnoticed. Occasionally, the History Channel will run a program on World War II, and you will see the brave young men with nervous, smiling faces preparing to assault some Japanese-held island. Then you hear the stories, often difficult to understand, of what happened next. Those same brave faces, suddenly shattered, their worst fears come true, locked forever in the memories of friends and fellow Marines who survived that living hell. Mental images so horrific, which after 62 years they still evoke tears among the “victors.” Memories so vivid that if you traveled there from this age of “Hey, look at me!...

Melonie Schollmeyer

Many have been asking if there is any word yet about what actually happened to our beloved Melonie. A few days ago Cheryl and Mary finally received notification from the Medical Examiner's Office about the results of the autopsy. It seems that Melonie had Deep Vein Thrombosis and did not know it, and what killed her was when a blood clot went to her lungs. We don't understand this completely as DVT is usually something that happens over a long period of inactivity such as a transatlantic airplane flight... and Melonie had not been on such a long flight, nor could she have ever been considered inactive or sedentary in any form. But that's what the ME's office says the tests concluded. About the only good news here is that it was something that NO ONE had any control over - no matter if anyone had stayed with her that fateful night, no one could have predicted nor prevented the tragedy from happening. I know that for all their brave fronts, both Mary and Cheryl have been...

Edith Hern and Ethel Moore

Monday was a weird day for two people close to our family - Aunt Edith (Tate) Hern, and Ethel Moore - a very close family friend for decades. These two ladies are the same age, but live in two different states. They've known each other for 50 years or more but have not seen each other in a couple of decades at least. Aunt Edith now lives in Missouri near her son Rick Tate; Ethel Moore lives in Israel but has been in Arizona visiting her daughter Janice Weston for the past couple of months. On Monday, in both Missouri and Arizona, the scene played out like this: Each woman was taken by family members to a doctor for what they thought/hoped would be a fairly routine visit. Each one was told by the doctor that she needed to be admitted immediately to the Hospital. Each was sent to the local Hospital where they were NOT admitted immediately because there were no beds available; rather they each waited about a day and a half in the Emergency Room till a bed was available! The stories h...

Thanks from Rickey

Rickey sent this to me and asked me to post it... it is my sad pleasure. Susan To all those family members and friends who have expressed your sympathy to us, thank you. Having the funeral for Lori was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. When you spend 35 years with someone, it's hard to say goodbye. Soooooo..... I have thought of some of Lori's favorite expressions and books. Lori loved astronomy and science fiction. For her, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe" was almost real. Lori used to delight in telling people that she did not come from this world, but instead came from the planet Altair, and she was going to go back some day. She was always hoping for a breakthrough in teleportation or transfer booths so people could travel long distances quickly. For those who are familiar with the book, she used to say "So long, and thanks for the fish!", and then she would extend her thumb in the familiar hitchhikers manner saying she was h...

Funeral Services for Lori Gans

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Lori Gans – wife of Rickey Lynn Gans; adoptive mother of June Tate-Gans Lori passed away on January 1, 2008. May her memory be a blessing. Hamakom Yinechem etchem batoch Yisrael, May G-d grant consolation to those who mourn. Graveside funeral service will be on Friday, January 4 at 9:00 a.m. at Green Acres Mortuary & Cemetery 401 North Hayden Road, Scottsdale AZ 85257 Phone No:(480) 945-2654 Shiva services will be held at the Gans’ residence on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evening at 7PM. Condolences may be sent to: Rickey Lynn Gans & family 1924 E. Wesleyan Dr. Tempe AZ 85282

A Tearful Farewell to Lori

Rickey Lynn called me this evening at about 9:30 pm. Today was the first day of the year, and it was the saddest day for the Gans family. Lori passed away this evening a little after 5pm, and the family has lost their mother, wife, sister, friend. Lori finally succumbed to the long battle she has been battling for her life, and her body gave in to the final assault, liver failure. The funeral will probably be on Friday morning, though the details have not yet been set. The family will be sitting 'shiva,' the proscribed days of mourning dictated by Jewish tradition, at the family home in Tempe. Friends and family traditionally visit the mourners at their home during these days. If you would like to honor Lori's memory by participating in this tradition, please call me (Susan) at 602-843-4049 and I'll give you the address and directions. (Or you can send me an email -- my email address is " thewebwalker @ cox. net " without the spaces.) Lori is a beautiful woman...