Thanks from Rickey
Rickey sent this to me and asked me to post it... it is my sad pleasure. Susan
To all those family members and friends who have expressed your sympathy to us, thank you. Having the funeral for Lori was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. When you spend 35 years with someone, it's hard to say goodbye. Soooooo..... I have thought of some of Lori's favorite expressions and books.
Lori loved astronomy and science fiction. For her, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe" was almost real. Lori used to delight in telling people that she did not come from this world, but instead came from the planet Altair, and she was going to go back some day. She was always hoping for a breakthrough in teleportation or transfer booths so people could travel long distances quickly. For those who are familiar with the book, she used to say "So long, and thanks for the fish!", and then she would extend her thumb in the familiar hitchhikers manner saying she was hoping to hitch a ride back home to Altair.
I like to think that Lori didn't really die - instead she got a lift, and is on her way back to her original home on Altair. I hope she has a wonderful trip!
Rickey Lynn
Lori loved astronomy and science fiction. For her, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe" was almost real. Lori used to delight in telling people that she did not come from this world, but instead came from the planet Altair, and she was going to go back some day. She was always hoping for a breakthrough in teleportation or transfer booths so people could travel long distances quickly. For those who are familiar with the book, she used to say "So long, and thanks for the fish!", and then she would extend her thumb in the familiar hitchhikers manner saying she was hoping to hitch a ride back home to Altair.
I like to think that Lori didn't really die - instead she got a lift, and is on her way back to her original home on Altair. I hope she has a wonderful trip!
Rickey Lynn