Fast Update on Tom Tate
Dad did finally receive a tracheostomy yesterday, so that tube is gone out of his mouth and now sprouts from his chest. They tried to put the feeding tube down his nose but it keeps clogging up so today [or tomorrow] they will insert a port into his stomach... Later today or tomorrow we will start a search of local specialty hospitals that might have the criteria to care for Dad after his discharge from the ICU. I am headed for the hospital now, so please forgive the brevity of this post. Hugs to all, and thank you again for all your prayers.
P.S. I am printing out all the wonderful comments to the blog and also the emails I've received from so many, and taking them to Mom to read. It's so encouraging to her to see all the support and love Dad has. God bless you all.
P.S. I am printing out all the wonderful comments to the blog and also the emails I've received from so many, and taking them to Mom to read. It's so encouraging to her to see all the support and love Dad has. God bless you all.