4/5/06 - Tom is Still Hanging In There
4/5/06 11 pm -- Dad is still hanging in there. Not much progress today, but he hasn't gotten much worse either. The plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) procedure didn't work, but he did have another successful dialysis session today. The big news is that they were able to take him off the external pacemaker that was regulating his heartbeat. His heart is again beating on its own, albeit with an abnormal sinus rhythm. His oxygen assistance is still at only 50% so that is good too. A new cardiologist has been called in to join the cadre of physicians on his case, and hopefully tomorrow we will get to meet with him and hear his assessment. His specialty is the electric workings of the heart and hopefully he will be able to help to get Dad's heart beating in a better sinus rhythm. We remain hopeful.