11:45 pm, April 15, 2006
Dad is resting comfortably tonight. Yesterday Robin returned to her family in Virginia, so today it was David, Sherry, and I sharing the day with Mom in the ICU waiting room. (Miss you, Robin, but I know your family must be thrilled to have you back!!) Dad had a pretty good day today. They started feeding him through the port to his stomach, and that seems to be working well. The therapist spent time with him after his dialysis session, and he is beginning to show a bit of use of his arms again, hooray! His billirubin (I've no idea if that's spelled correctly!) is still high and so he appears jaundiced but the dialysis today was so successful in taking off excess fluid, his hands and arms are beginning to look normal, as well as his face. The docs say we now need to just wait and let his liver continue to heal and lower the billirubin levels... and this will take some time. The heart functions are all as they should be now, though, so we are very encouraged by this. This evening he "told" his nurse (via nods, shakes, and shrugs) that he wanted his bed adjusted and that he wanted more pain medicine, and after that was taken care of he went into a peaceful sleep. Tomorrow is a day marked with celebrations of rejuvination and resurrection. We are hoping to see a rejuvination in Dad soon. God bless you all and thank you again for your prayers.