Life Goes On... I Think
The election is well over now, and I am among those licking my wounds. Majority Rules, and apparently I wasn't in the majority, or at least not in the voting majority. I will certainly be praying for our new President-Elect, not because I think he's some Great Hope, but because he is so completely unprepared and inexperienced for this job that I am afraid he will bollux our poor country. My only consolation is that our country survived the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton... maybe we can survive Obama too. My greatest fear is for our allies, Israel especially. They are our only real ally in the middle east, and now they can kiss goodbye any assistance from Mr. Obama; Hamas poured so much money and support into Obama's campaign you'd think he was running for the leadership of the P.L.O. and they were sponsoring him. But I digress. We lost. I concede.