Role Reversal
I feel like a brand-new mom who has just put her only child on the bus to go to kindergarden "all by himself."
Took Mom to the airport and put her on an airplane to go visit Tommy in Denver. Stayed by her side all the way to the departure gate itself, and saw her safely ensconced in her seat on the airplane. She was as nervous as a 6 year old child. It didn't help matters that we forgot to tell the TSA that she had a pacemaker, so it set off all their alarms and then she had to go through a full body search. It was totally ridiculous, an 86 year old woman whose pacemaker you can literally see through her skin, and they are searching her for terrorist devices. Can someone PLEASE bring back the days of profiling, the days of reason?!! We're supposed to be looking for terrorists, not 86 year old wheelchair occupants.
Anyway, she's finally off on her Great Adventure to visit kids and siblings. She doesn't plan to come back home for a couple of months. She's been gone just a couple of hours and I miss her already.