From Vernon in Tribute to Tom Tate

The following is a copy of the letter that Vernon wrote in tribute to Dad, which was read on April 26, 2006 by Mason Womble for Vernon:

I remember Tom Tate from Oakland, California, in 1954, when we both attended a large church where he played a trumpet in the church band. Sherry (my wife of 39 years) played a clarinet in the same band -- we were both 8 years old and that was over 50 years ago.

About 12 years later, when I asked Sherry to marry me, I came to her father's house to formally request her parents' permission. Tom cleared his throat after dinner and said, very seriously, that he "understood that I would like to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage." When I flippantly replied that I would like to have more than just her hand I got a swift kick from Sherry while Tom sternly corrected me, announcing that this was "NOT a laughing matter." Well, after all she was his eldest daughter ...

Although we also laughed while working many long nights together in the B'nai Shalom print shop in south Phoenix, Tom always displayed a passion for excellence in every thing he did -- with no exceptions.

And even though I haven't spent much time around Tom in recent years, I already miss him sorely. But I feel rewarded by having known him and will continue to benefit from all the things I learned from him. He once told me that the only thing you can count on in life is CHANGE -- but I surely was not ready for this one.

So, may I say to my father-in-law and friend, "May your body rest in peace and may your essence, your spirit, be just as busy as you would like in the Craft Shop of our Heavenly Father, where excellence is the norm and perfection is possible, until we arrive with you to a better place which you helped prepare for us with your love and many special talents."

To me, Tom Tate, you are a giant among the archangels -- go in peace. I love you.



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