Pics of Family in Nicosia Italy

Here is the letter and photos that Caro in Nicosia, Italy sent to Miryam Amoruso in Argentina. Miryam forwarded it to Dianne Moore in Florida and voila! she is sharing with the rest of the clan... so here's some up to date pics of the Nicosia crowd. Thanks!
From: "Caro Galeassi"
To: "Miryam"
Subject: Fotos de Nicosia
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006
hola como estas???
aca les mandamos algunas de las fotos del fin de semana pasado cuando fuimos a
Nicosia, Besossss
Caro y Galo


Anonymous said…
Fantastic! Just one teeny problem -- I don't know who's who! Could Diane identify the persons in the photos? Pretty please!
TheWebWalker said…
Sherry, I will forward your request to Dianne... In the meantime, if you put your mouse over each picture, you can get an IDEA of who is who and what is what from the name of the photo... for instance the first pic is titled "Nicosia panoramica" and the second one is titled "Nicosia - flia Menza." We can probably assume that means the first pic is a panorama of the city of Nicosia and the second one is the Menza family.... and the fourth pic is of Carmelo and Caroline, etc... But maybe Di can give us a hint if she knows the names of the Hombres in pic #5 for instance???
Anonymous said…
Sure. In picture #5, from left to right:
1. don't know, never seen him before. Probably a fellow rugby player to Galo.
2. Carmelo, Rita's husband. Rita is Carmelo Menza's daughter.
3. Galo, Miryam's son who was in Sicily with his rugby team.
4. Caro, Galo's wife.
5. Carmelo Menza
6. Michele Menza, Carmelo Menza's son

Question: How many Carmelo's can you get in one picture?!

Anonymous said…
Ya know, I got to thinking...that young man on the left may just be Michele's son! I remember him and his baby sister as little kids, but it has been about 10 years since I went so that's probably who it is! I'll ask Miryam and let you know for sure. Guess what his name is....Carmelo!!!

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