From Our Man in Korea...
A note from our man in Korea (until May, anyway)...
Hey everybody! So here i am (okay, i'm no longer using capitalization because i am typing on this european pc of my roommate's and the keys are all different!) and all is well. the apartment is small and furnitureless, but will do fine as we start to stock it up. the surrounding area is easy to get around, with all the bulgogi i can eat!!! just finished my first day today - didn't go in on the first day since i got in so late and they weren't even there to pick me up! yeah. ahem, anyway, things are great now, the peeps here are great (if old!). i think i'm the youngest here by 20 years!! not much to tell right now other than i do not have internet yet on MY pc. again, this is my roomie's Dougie, who is a very good roomie from scotland. for some reason we cant get my pc to connect to the internet, but other pcs have been having this same trouble, so he (the IT guy) may end up getting a new router. so until that happens, no phone calls on skype from me any time soon! i will check this email address as often as i can (, as well as myspace and maybe the address. alright, that's all for now. let me know what kind of worthless korean junk you guys want! peace.