
Showing posts from March, 2009

Welcome to the newest member of the Walker Clan

Check it out -- I am now officially a Great Grandma, and it's awesome. Jezriell Malaya Walker-Jinnes was born today, March 17, 2009 to our granddaughter Acacia Walker and Andrew Jinnes. She was born at 7 am and weighed in at 7 lbs, 6 oz. She is 19 inches long. Both mom and daughter are doing fine, but Grandpa Randy Walker says he's worn out from the long night preceding Jazriell's birth! He and Grandma April were there for Acacia, along with Andrew. Jimmy and I went to the hospital to see Acacia and Jezriell today about 8 hours after the birth, and I got the honor of burping Jezriell for her very first time, ha! For more photos, check out my pics on my MySpace page - ~~ Great Grandma Susan P.S. While you're there, you can see some great pics of our other granddaughter Nakaia Walker at her recent high school concert. She's a violinist of no small talent, and we are so very proud of her! Go Nakaia!!

From Our Man in Korea...

A note from our man in Korea (until May, anyway)... Hey everybody! So here i am (okay, i'm no longer using capitalization because i am typing on this european pc of my roommate's and the keys are all different!) and all is well. the apartment is small and furnitureless, but will do fine as we start to stock it up. the surrounding area is easy to get around, with all the bulgogi i can eat!!! just finished my first day today - didn't go in on the first day since i got in so late and they weren't even there to pick me up! yeah. ahem, anyway, things are great now, the peeps here are great (if old!). i think i'm the youngest here by 20 years!! not much to tell right now other than i do not have internet yet on MY pc. again, this is my roomie's Dougie, who is a very good roomie from scotland. for some reason we cant get my pc to connect to the internet, but other pcs have been having this same trouble, so he (the IT guy) may end up getting a new router. so until that...

Mary Borrelli

Mary Borrelli (94 years old) has been visiting her 89 year old sister Emily Tate here in Arizona for the past couple of months, and now it looks like she is nearly ready to wend her way back to windy Chi-town. She will be here till April 12th so if anyone else wants to visit with her while she's still in the Wild West, better do it now. This weekend I'll be taking them to visit with Mary Wroten, and they are excited about that. Cheryl will be there too, and I'm looking forward to seeing her again. We live so near each other but somehow don't get to visit each other often enough. And the best treat of all is that Cheryl will have Melonie's twins, Robert and Brittany, with her - so Mom and Mary Borrelli will get to see them as well. Mel's funeral was the last time Mom saw them, and the Chicago reunion was the last time Mary Borrelli got to see them. So hopefully it will be a wonderful weekend... why not join us?

Bye, David!

David left for Korea this morning and I miss him already. He won't be gone that long, the job contract is just through May with a possible extension til December. And besides, he doesn't even live in the same state as me any more, so what's the big deal? I think it's a Mom-Radar thing. He's flying out of my Mom Radar, and I won't be able to track him any longer, at least not as easily, ha! *sigh* Seems we can't wait for our kids to grow up and then when they do, it's WHAMMO we miss them so much.