Archaeologist on the Loose
Since June 9th Sherry has been working on the dig at Tel Zait, near Kibbutz Galon... The tel's treasure is an iron age village that they are hoping will reveal some secrets, since it has not been built upon over and over like larger populated areas were. (At some digs, you must dig down and down and down to get to iron age artifacts, whereas at this one they might find things just a few feet under the surface of the earth.) The first few days are spent clearing and cleaning the area, since the tel has not been worked for the past two years. During that time, they found a nest of snake eggs, a viper, and a palestinian cobra... and Sherry just LOVES snakes (NOT)! But the snakes were mitigated by the finding of a bronze arrowhead and an amulet of the "Eye of Horus" -- and they haven't even really started "digging" yet. Sherry's expertise is in pottery so of course she is looking forward to some really interesting and exciting work. She'll be at this dig until mid July, so we'll have minimal contact with her during that time, but you gotta admit, what a great job to have! You go, girl!!