
Showing posts from July, 2005

Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendars - Sherry will be in town from August 25 through August 30th! It will be a bitter-sweet trip. Sadly, she will be accompanying her good friend Beverly on a trip to the States to take care of the affairs of Beverly's mom, who just recently passed away. Beverly has no siblings or other near relatives, and asked Sherry to join her, as Sherry is as close as a sister to her. They will be in Oregon, but Beverly graciously allowed Sherry to book an extra four days in Arizona so she could visit with all of us.

BBQ Coming Up with a side of Aquatics

Dave and Loni Tate will be hosting a BBQ on Sunday, July 31st... Mom (Emily) is scheduled to show off the aquatic exercises she's been learning. As part of the physical rehab after her hip surgery, she's been going to a rehab center for exercies three times a week, and is doing quite well. Nicholas has been visiting from Utah and this will be his last weekend in Arizona, so it will be an added bonus to get to see him. David (son) will be arriving that same day at about noon... Jimmy and I will pick him up at the airport and then go directly to Dave and Loni's house for the BBQ so he will have the opportunity of visiting with family members. The next day we will head out for New Mexico to visit Carlsbad Caverns... !! Might stop at a winery or two on the way home...

Life is Perking Along

Life is perking along... with the heat we've been having lately, all you have to do is sprinkle some coffee grounds on your skin and walk outside... Instant Coffee! Here are some of the latest news items in the family: DAVID IS COMING HOME FOR A VISIT!!! July 31st, for a week... he will leave again on August 8th, then will go up to Washington to see the rest of his family, and then back to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, thence to go to the places Uncle Sam needs him. Please keep him in your prayers that he will be safe; the actual deployment into harm's way will only be for four months... but the actual deployment will be for four months. Emily is walking without her walker now, and growing stronger each day!! YOU GO, GIRL! 85 YEARS OLD AND STILL GOING STRONG. The hip surgery was a success and though she doesn't like to do the exercises, she is getting better and better every day. Sherry called from Israel the other day and spoke to her, a nice long conversation which ...
Here is a photo of Jimmy and I with our grandkids, Acacia, Nakaia, Paul and Nathan (clockwise). Photo taken at Randy and Tracey's house a few weeks ago when Kyle and Kerry et al were visiting Arizona. Kerry, you are turning in to quite the photographer! Kudos, my lady! (er, unless it was Kyle who took this photo, ha!!)

July Birthdays and Events in the Clan . . .

Here are this month's celebrants: Tom and Emily Tate celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary on JULY 3 2005. 87 and 85 years old respectively, they happily sipped Cherry Cokes in their Mesa AZ home to celebrate the event... Back in 1943 they had walked from the wedding ceremony to a local soda fountain and ordered Cherry Cokes to celebrate their union. I (and four other siblings) are certainly glad they chose each other! Congratulations! On JULY 9 2005 Aviva Whetstone will celebrate her 83rd birthday. Residing in Israel with her hubby Arthur and son Vernon et al, she is right where she wants to be. God bless you, Aviva. "You Go, Girl!" JULY 14 2005 will ring in year 52 for Tom R. Tate (aka T-2). With both kids grown, he only needs to find a babysitter for the dogs and he can go on that long-awaited trip to... ? Whatcha gonna do for your birthday, Bro?? Congrats, and have a great year!!
Tom and Emily Tate on their 62nd wedding anniversary, July 3, 2005. Congratulations!!