Happy Halloween
Can't believe it's been so long since I posted the first message here! So much has happened... where to start...
My mom's sister Mary came to town for a month's visit, and I took the two of them up to Flagstaff for a week. It was great, we stayed at mom's condo and made daily trips to outlying areas. The best part was witnessing the changing of the seasons as evidenced by the oak and aspen leaves changing colors. There were yellow, golden and red leaves eveywhere. Awesome.
Came back home to a very hectic time trying to get caught up on work, though. Have been at it almost non-stop, pausing only to eat and sleep (not necessarily in that order). It didn't help that the company I use to host the majority of my websites was hit by a Denial of Service attack by some lowlife, and so we've had a host of problems trying to get everyone back on line and all the websites working properly again. AAAaaaargh.
I am looking forward to next week, though. 11th anniversary, being married to Jimmy, the World's Most Patient Man. Our anniversary will fall in the middle of the week so I'm not sure that we'll do anything special, but even if it's a candlelight dinner at home it will be nice.
And then next month we are planning on a trip to NC to visit David for Thanksgiving - WOOHOO. I'm happy about that, it seems like FOREVER since I've seen him.
Did you see last night's full moon? It was gorgeous. I wish it were going to be a full moon for Halloween, that always makes it more fun. But oh well, it will be a Mostly Full Moon. And dressed-up kids always manage to have fun.
More later, Jimmy's calling me to go watch the lunar eclipse with him!!
My mom's sister Mary came to town for a month's visit, and I took the two of them up to Flagstaff for a week. It was great, we stayed at mom's condo and made daily trips to outlying areas. The best part was witnessing the changing of the seasons as evidenced by the oak and aspen leaves changing colors. There were yellow, golden and red leaves eveywhere. Awesome.
Came back home to a very hectic time trying to get caught up on work, though. Have been at it almost non-stop, pausing only to eat and sleep (not necessarily in that order). It didn't help that the company I use to host the majority of my websites was hit by a Denial of Service attack by some lowlife, and so we've had a host of problems trying to get everyone back on line and all the websites working properly again. AAAaaaargh.
I am looking forward to next week, though. 11th anniversary, being married to Jimmy, the World's Most Patient Man. Our anniversary will fall in the middle of the week so I'm not sure that we'll do anything special, but even if it's a candlelight dinner at home it will be nice.
And then next month we are planning on a trip to NC to visit David for Thanksgiving - WOOHOO. I'm happy about that, it seems like FOREVER since I've seen him.
Did you see last night's full moon? It was gorgeous. I wish it were going to be a full moon for Halloween, that always makes it more fun. But oh well, it will be a Mostly Full Moon. And dressed-up kids always manage to have fun.
More later, Jimmy's calling me to go watch the lunar eclipse with him!!