
Showing posts from April, 2009

Jimmy is recovering from a heart attack

My beloved husband Jimmy had a heart attack on March 25th and we are grateful to God (that's an UNDERSTATEMENT !!) that there were no lasting effects from it. He is home now after a 5 day stay in the hospital, and is recovering nicely, other than tiring easily and still sore from all the poking and prodding. His previously-placed stents are not clogged, and that is a miracle in itself. The docs thought they'd have to do open heart surgery after this heart attack, but when they went in via angiogram, lo and behold, nothing beyond some minimal blockages. Nothing really to pinpoint as a culprit for the heart attack other than a branch vein that occluded and then sealed itself off... in effect the heart healed itself. Well, that's what the docs say. We and everyone else who was praying with us know that it was Someone at work. So Thank You Lord for your mercy. And thank you to everyone who was out there praying for Jimmy. God bless you all. All the time Jimmy was in the hospita...