My Answer to the Anti-Military Protesters in Denver
I heard on the news that today, an alliance of radical idiots has converged upon Denver to stage anti-war, anti-military, and anti-American demonstrations. Starring lunatics like Cindy Sheehan and a recording from Black Panther terrorist Wesley Cook (currently on death row), they are hoping to violently "recreate 1968." They've chosen the DNC as their venue because of their far left wing Democratic Party leanings, and they are hoping for riots or the like to receive national media coverage. My answer to these people with marbles for brains is to invite them to leave our great nation, since they so obviously hate us and wish nothing more than to destroy the virtues and values upon which America was built. So instead of focusing on lunatics, I would like to give THANKS to the men and women who have worked, fought, been wounded, and died to preserve the freedom in which we live. Following are the words to a song written by Dr. Sam Bierstock which states most eloquently how I...