Memorial Day is Every Day If You're Military
I cannot say it better than this wonderful woman did. She is a young military wife whose husband is deployed, fighting the war. To see her original post click this link: Every Day . Her blog address is . Here's what she wrote: Monday, May 28, 2007 Every Day For a week or more I've been thinking about my post for today. I wanted to write something inspiring, something worthy of the sacrifices of the men and women who have served and fallen. Worthy of their families who lost them.There quite simply are no words.Today I was in public for awhile, around "normal" people. I overheard a conversation of some ladies behind me... "Oh! I forgot today was Memorial Day!" one lady said with a giggle. I wanted to bitch slap her, but I just kept walking.This morning I realized that for some of us, Memorial Day isn't just a Monday in May. For some of us, Memorial Day is every day. Every day I see the news of troops falling in combat and I cr...