The Silver Platter

Sherry said the article about Iwo Jima (Feb 23rd) reminded her of the following poem. I agree. This very moving poem speaks of the men and women whose lives became the "silver platter" serving freedom to the people of Israel. The same tribute can be said for true heroic defenders of freedom worldwide. We Americans act like things like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and freedom to move about are things rightfully ours and handed to us on a silver platter, too often forgetting the heroic sacrifices that stain that platter. Thank you, Sherry, for sharing this poem.

The Silver Platter, by Natan Alterman (translated from Hebrew)
The earth grows still.
The lurid sky slowly pales over smoking borders.
Heartsick but still living, a people stand by
To greet the uniqueness
Of the miracle. Readied, they wait beneath the moon,
Wrapped in awesome joy before the light.

- - Then soon,
A girl and boy step forward,
And slowly walk before the waiting nation;
In work clothes and heavy-shod
They climb
In stillness.
Wearing still the dress of battle, the grime
Of aching day and fire-filled night
Unwashed, weary until death, not knowing rest,
But wearing youth like dewdrops in their hair.

- - Silently the two approach
And stand.
Are they of the quick or of the dead?
Through wondering tears, the people stare.
"Who are you, the silent two?"
And they reply: "We are the silver platter
Upon which the Jewish State was served to you."
And speaking, fall in shadow at the nation's feet.
Let the rest in Israel's chronicles be told.

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