
Showing posts from February, 2005

Relatives are the Best People

I'm pretty sure everyone in the clan is aware by now of my involvement with Packages From Home... the organization that sends care packages to our troops overseas. But did you know that our cousin Mary Wroten has become an integral part of letting our troops know we support them? Yep. She lit the fire under the seniors group at her church (St. Luke's) and they have been collecting donations like crazy - everything from shaving cream to oreo cookies. She brings all the goodies over to my place and then we package it up for mailing and Kathy Lewis (founder of PFH, lives about a mile from me) trots it off to the Post Office and mails it to an American Forces trooper in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. If anyone wants more info on Packages From Home, or if you want to make a donation of supplies or money for mailing the packages, just point your browser to: God Bless You, Mary, and all the patriotic people at St. Luke's who have so generously donated!

February Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the following family members!! (If I've omitted someone, please post a comment to let me know!) Dave Tate - Feb 9 Mary Wroten - Feb 10 Dianne Moore - Feb 15 We also want to take this opportunity to honor the memory of Dianne's dad, Mike Rizzo, who was born on February 11, 1922, and passed away in the summer of 2001. We miss you, Uncle Mike!

Rocky Mountain High

Pagosa Springs Colorado Here's what the mountains around Pagosa Springs look like.... pretty enough to make ME want to go back, for sure!! (Photos compliments of Frank Z. Thanks, Frank!)

The View from Pagosa Springs CO

After a wonderful visit with Tom and Jan, we traveled southwest to Pagosa Springs, Colorado to visit Frank and Elaine Z. Childhood schoolchums of our mutual friends the Bruehls, Frank and Elaine left Buckeye some years ago for California and finally retired in Colorado... but the friendship persisted. (Buckeye did produce some FINE folk!) We "met" them a few years ago via the Bruehls and the Internet, but had not physically met them till today. What a wonderful couple, they are active in both church and community, from Scouting to enhancing the environment by helping their local river to be more attractive to both fish and fishermen. We had a great visit with them, and left the next day wishing we'd had more time to tramp in those wonderful snow-filled woods (Dagesh adored the snow!) and swap stories in front of their warm hearth. This was our view from Frank and Elaine's deck...