
Showing posts from January, 2005

It Was a Three Dog Night...

January 27th we set out from Glendale AZ to visit Tom, Jan, and Jonathan in Northglen CO (northern section of Denver) so Jan and I could once again celebrate our birthdays together. Took the dog (Dagesh) with us as an experiment to see if she and Jan's two dogs (Angel and Buster) could get along. It made for an interesting weekend to say the least!! After meeting in a neutral dog-park, Angel and Buster agreed to let Dagesh stay in their house, but it was a constant power struggle as to who was going to get to be the Dominant Bitch. (All they really had to do was withhold my estrogen for a couple of days and I'd show them who's the REAL Dominant Bitch...) Anyway, we decided to simply keep the dogs apart and not let them influence the enjoyment of our weekend. Jan and I exchanged gifts and then we had a marvelous birthday meal of pork crown roast compliments of Chef Jan, topped off with Birthday Root Beer Floats. What else could a Now-Officially-Middle-Aged-Gal ask for?!...

Hurricane Ivan

A sampling of the damage done by Hurricane Ivan to Kerry and Kyle's condo in Destin, Florida. Kerry sent me this photo some time ago but I just today figured out how to post pictures on this blog!! (Click on the photo to see it larger.) Sorry it took me so long, Kerry. This shows some of the damage Hurricane Ivan did to their vacation condo in Destin, FL. How are the repairs going, Kerry?

Eran and Adi's Birthday Parties

Received a note and these pics from Ariel about the kids' birthday parties: ...thought you might like to see some Pic's of Eran(6) and Adi's(2) Birthday... We just celebrated both of their Bday's last week - A little late due to the fact that we were waiting for the Year memorial for Efrat's father to pass... so enjoy the pic's and drop me a note if you get a chance! ((PS -- Click on a photo to see it a bit larger.))
Adi and mom Efrat 
Eran and Dinosaur Cake 
Eran is Six ! 
Efrat, Eran, Ariel 

Happy Birthday Sherry!

Happy Birthday Sherry! We've got a run on birthdays going... let's all get out there and Celbrate Having Survived This Long!!

Janice's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Janice!! May you have a marvelous day and a good year. (Be sure to save up your appetite for our Double Date next weekend!) ee

New Year News

My new year resolution OUGHT to be to keep this blog more up to date... But if I make such a resolution, it's sure to never work, so I'll save myself the guilt. So, what's been happening at our end of the world? Quite a bit. As stated in my November 12 post, Tom and Jan came to Arizona to visit while Jimmy and I went to North Carolina and spent two weeks with son David. Tom had the bad fortune to be here during one of our rare rainstorms and of COURSE our roof leaked like a sieve! But at least he and Jan got to have a nice turkey dinner with June and Rickey Lynn and Lori et al over Thanksgiving. Meanwhile we were galavanting about the countryside, tramping down hiking trails along the Tar River and having a grand time. .. and oh yes, we got to watch David and his Air Force Bomb Squad unit blow up some stuff during a training session! I have a new respect for these guys who keep us safe from things that go Ka-Boom. On January 8th, we went to see Cosi Fan Tutti, perform...

January birthdays & events in the Clan

I am going to attempt to post family birthdays and any planned events at the beginning of each month. If you know of someone I've missed, let me know! Jan 2... Mark Tate's 17th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mark! (These kids are just growing up too fast.) Jan 5... Speaking of growing up too fast, Adi Whetstone turned 2 on January 5th. Jan 6... Gary Ryan Whetstone is a ripe old 24. Aaaw. Jan 7... Melonie Schollmeyer turns... well, let's just say she's 29 again. Jan 11... Melonie's twins Robert and Brittany turn 11. More kids growing so fast. Jan 23... Janice Tate turns 29 again, as does Kyle Lowe! (Remarkable how no one in our family gets any older than 29) Jan 24... Sherry Whetstone joins the 29-again crowd Jan 28... Susan joins... you got it! the 29-again crowd too! Jan 28... is also Rickey Lynn Gans' Bat Mitzvah. Mazal Tov!