
Showing posts from October, 2004

La la la LA la la lah

Tomorrow we go to the opera. Il Tabarro. Pagliacci. It started out because Aunt Mary came to town and told Loni (who works at the opera) that she's never been to an opera, in all her 90 years. Boom. Next thing you know, Loni's got it all arranged for us all to go to the opera, even brought Nick down from Utah to join in the fun. (Coincidentally, Nick hasn't seen an opera either in all his 10 years.) So watch out Tempe, nearly the whole dang AZ tribe is coming to the Gammage Auditorium! Tomorrow is also Halloween, so I've gotta get home in time to dispense goodies. Tomorrow is also the last day of the month, the dreaded "Billing Day" for my business, meaning I have to produce a couple of tons worth of reports and paperwork as well as all the month's invoices. Boy oh boy is it going to be a fun day... On a brighter note, June came over today and finished the testing server for my office. YAAAAY!!!! Now I can leave a live website alone till I'm ...

Happy Halloween

Can't believe it's been so long since I posted the first message here! So much has happened... where to start... My mom's sister Mary came to town for a month's visit, and I took the two of them up to Flagstaff for a week. It was great, we stayed at mom's condo and made daily trips to outlying areas. The best part was witnessing the changing of the seasons as evidenced by the oak and aspen leaves changing colors. There were yellow, golden and red leaves eveywhere. Awesome. Came back home to a very hectic time trying to get caught up on work, though. Have been at it almost non-stop, pausing only to eat and sleep (not necessarily in that order). It didn't help that the company I use to host the majority of my websites was hit by a Denial of Service attack by some lowlife, and so we've had a host of problems trying to get everyone back on line and all the websites working properly again. AAAaaaargh. I am looking forward to next week, though. 11th anniver...

First Post

Gulp This is the first post to my new Blog, and I'm still learning how to use it. I plan on using this area to post family news items, so check back often!