Article by Monte Tucker
I thought some of you might enjoy this. A "good ol farm boy from western Oklahoma" writes a column like this each week. "What's Under My Hat" by Monte Tucker January 28, 2008 ---------- Howdy friends and neighbors. Come on first Tuesday in November! I have already had about all of the Presidential election I can stand. Surely, somewhere out there in this great nation is a "good ol' boy or gal," that is worth voting for. You know, someone that has actually done something, not ju st talked about what they think they have done. It's only the first quarter in the game between the R's and the D's. Both sides keep talking about time for change. Just what are they going to change? They obviously haven't changed the game of politics. Billary and Bama Lama Ding Dong boast the word "change" every time I see the media put their face on my boob tube. The first place they could start changing things would be on the Senate floor that t...