Remembering the Marines of Iwo Jima
Bruce sent this piece to me, and it is so important I would like to share it with all. Thank you, Bruce! Remembering the Marines of Iwo Jima Between February 19 and March 16, 1945, a battle raged on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima which claimed the lives of nearly 7,000 American Marines and left yet another 19,000 wounded. The anniversary this year is again in danger of passing largely unnoticed. Occasionally, the History Channel will run a program on World War II, and you will see the brave young men with nervous, smiling faces preparing to assault some Japanese-held island. Then you hear the stories, often difficult to understand, of what happened next. Those same brave faces, suddenly shattered, their worst fears come true, locked forever in the memories of friends and fellow Marines who survived that living hell. Mental images so horrific, which after 62 years they still evoke tears among the “victors.” Memories so vivid that if you traveled there from this age of “Hey, look at me!...