
Showing posts from August, 2006

Sound Off

I can't take the credit for the following article... only that I could not agree more. Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests. Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house). According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to...

June -- er, Aviva Rebecca

Rickey Lynn recently reported that: "On the sunny day of July 12th, having completed a year of study, June went before a group of three rabbis to answer an hour’s worth of questions, then went up to Saguaro Lake where she went completely under the water three times, after which she recited the recited the blessings for conversion to Judaism. Yes, June had decided to become Jewish. This was not a decision that was taken lightly, as the requirements to join the faith are rather involved, and require a good deal of study, thought, as well as attending classes every week for a year. June's Hebrew name is now Aviva Rebecca, which translates to Ever Youthful. We are very proud of June for having the fortitude to stick it out and go after what is important to her. We all wish her a life of Shalom (Peace). " In a further note on August 11th, Rickey Lynn comments: "Tonight, June and I went to Temple as usual. What was different was that both of us were asked to do the ark ope...

News from Our Man In Korea

This just in from Korea: DAVID MADE STAFF SARGEANT !! Technically, he won't be able to sew on his new stripes till December or January, but he's passed all the tests and has finished the Leadership training and received notice yesterday of the promotion. WE ARE SO HAPPY AND PROUD FOR YOU, DAVID!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Confused about what's fact and what's fiction in the war between Israel and Lebanon? Here's a two minute video that clearly separates the facts from the fiction. And make no mistake... Hizbollah IS part of the Evil which America is also fighting in Iraq et al. (Make sure your speakers are turned on so you can hear the narration.)

Real Life Hero in the IDF

Sherry sent in this story, which appeared in the Israeli newspaper HaAretz . A wonderful read and it warms your heart amid all the turmoil. Real-life American hero in the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] Date: August 6, 2006 By Daphna Berman An American-born IDF officer has been hailed a hero after saving the life of one of his soldiers during last week's battle in the southern Lebanese village of Maroun al-Ras. Five Israel Defense Forces troops lost their lives in the battle. Lieutenant Eli Kahn, 23, of the elite Paratroopers reconnaissance unit Palsar was tending to a wounded comrade during a heavy exchange of fire when a Hezbollah fighter threw a hand grenade at them. Witnesses said that Kahn swiftly and calmly grabbed the grenade and lobbed it back. Kahn immigrated from New York as a child with parents Mimi and Howie Kahn. His father is a former program director for the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI) in Jerusalem and a well-known musician in the city'...

New Photo of Scott

I just wanted to share a picture of Scott. This was during the evacuation of Beirut. It made my heart swell to see this picture. Cheers, Loni PS I am officially registered for college and have received financial aid. I will be starting at Utah College for Massage Therapy on October 9, 2006. Finally, I will be a licensed massage therapist. I will graduate on May 20, 2007. Yeah!!!!!!!