
Showing posts from January, 2006

House hunting in Florida

Just received this note from Cousin Dianne... Here's a link to the ad for our house in Port St. Lucie, FL so you can see what I've been up to! Of course, if you know anyone who wants a house in FL..! Dianne UPDATE: This listing has expired, so check the February 14th post for a photo and more info. Thanks!

Aloha from Kauai

For all you non-believers... here's photographic proof that I put my face totally underwater... about 40 feet underwater in fact. That's me on the left. In Kauai... well, off the coast of Kauai. Jimmy decided that for my birthday present we should go to Hawaii to get my "mind off things." Well, it worked. It is difficult to be worried or depressed when surrounded by such beauty. And then I took the opportunity to do something I have always longed to do but have always been too fearful... scuba dive. Took two lessons in a swimming pool and then went for this introductory dive. Note the death grip I have on the instructor's arm, ha! The fish were beautiful but the best part was when a HUGE sea turtle swam up beside me and kept pace with us, swimming along with his flipper almost touching my shoulder, his head cocked to look me over and check me out. So which one of us was sight-seeing??


Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Sherry, Happy Birthday to Yo00000uuu ! I have been remiss. I have not yet published the January birthdays, and now today is my Favorite Older Sister's birthday. (Note that she's OLDER than me... didn't know there was anyone older than me, huh?! Well, she doesn't look it, so that's why!) Anyway, here's January's slate of celebreties, better late than never, huh! January 2 -- Mark Tate January 5 -- Adi Whetstone January 6 -- Gary Ryan Whetstone January 7 -- Melonie Schollmeyer January 11 -- Robert and Brittany Schollmeyer "The Twins" January 23 -- Janice Tate January 24 -- Sherry Whetstone January 28 -- Susan Walker