
Showing posts from October, 2005

Letter from Iraq

Hey, not much going on. The picture’s of the ride over here from Kuwait. Lance is the guy taking the picture. We’re stationed together back home and we have the same personalities/senses of humor, so we’re pretty tight. I wish we would have waited a minute or two to take that picture so you could see the sweat pouring out of every pore’s pore. That ride was pretty fun. It was pretty short (about 45 minutes) and had a wild landing. Mark, I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about; you too Grandpa! The video is just our first shot when we first got here. I think that one was about 400 pounds net explosive weight. [Editor's note: the video is not included in this blog... I can email it to you upon request, ok?] Anyway, this might be the last general email I send out for quite some time unless something cool happens within the next few days. Feel free to email me though, and I’ll be sure to answer. I just don’t know for how much longer I can reply. Alright, I’m sure I’ll talk to...

October Birthday Greetings

I can't believe no one has screamed at me for not getting the October birthdays posted yet... guess it just means that our October celebrants are just incredibly modest and humble people. Here's the lineup, folks, with BIG apologies to Tracey for not getting this posted till now! October 06: Tracey Tsosie, beloved of Randy Walker. October 07: Brett Westerfield, childhood friend of Dave Whetstone. October 17: Randy Walker, our Number One Son! October 23: Vernon Whetstone, Sherry's Number One Hubby. October 23: Kerry Lowe, our Number One Daughter!! October 30: Bill Gray, the best neighbor we could every have. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALL !

Chats with Dave

Well David now has an Air Force version of instant messaging, and it's so nice being able to "chat" with him. Not quite as good as a phone, but hey, I'm not going to comlain! He's doing well and in fact sent this photo. That's him on top of the bunker... OK, Half way on top of the bunker, over the doorway! The stuff that looks like duct work is exactly that... Jimmy said it is exactly the same kind he used 30 years ago to cool their equipment when he was in the Air Force. Some things never change...